Joe Manji – June 09 #2

June 22, 2009

The sun is very low in the sky these days, making for some pretty crazy shadows and contrasts. I guess we just have to be happy that it wasn’t raining like it had been for the past forever.

I love these cone days, they’re super addicting. Even watching, gives you that crotch tingle that urges you to slam the loud pedal and sink all your coins into something you can slide. I highly recommend them to anyone out for some laidback fun and the opportunity to learn a bit about car control. You quickly learn why your car sucks and what you need to do to it though.

Just a bunch of photos from me this time. Email me or leave your email or something and I will email you the rest of the photos I got of your car. I didn’t process to many however.

Did anyone tell Lee he was wearing his pj’s still?

– Chris

5 Responses to “Joe Manji – June 09 #2”

  1. Zeb said


    You going to anything car related in aus Chris? No drifting events to see what’s up?

  2. boso said

    got eny pics of the matt black mx73 shitbox not lofa if you do can u email them
    to thanks sweet pics by the way

  3. NTBoon said

    Got any of the coloursmoke burnout?

  4. beeoneoneoh said

    Zeb: na just surfing really. Might meet up with someone from 1200 forums possibly. Sydney had the most amazing rate of lame cars it was astounding. I was only in town for about 30 mins too!

    Teaspoon: I left half way through the day so must have missed coloursmoke burnout.

    boso: sorry man didn’t get any, wasn’t around long. Looked like you had a sweet rear end hop going on though haha

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